耶鲁大学哲学公开课《死亡》18 死亡之害(三)不朽性1

前半节继续论述 the badneee of death ,后半节开始新的话题,不朽,以及长生的欢乐与烦恼。
围绕古罗马哲学家 Lucretius 的这些论证比较有意思:Nothing bad about the eternity before I was born. So, nothing bad--of the eternity of nonexistence. So nothing bad about the eternity of nonexistence after I die. 既然我不为生前“不存在”悲伤,也就不应该为死后之“不存在”遗憾,前提是the deprivation account。这些西方人有关生命的哲学与东方非常不同,西方有僵直性,就是直接使用逻辑推理,地方则不然,有许多玄虚。
Very, very common response,  that this period involves loss, because the very definition of "loss" is, you don't have something that at an earlier time you did have. So this period involves loss. But the period before birth does not involve loss, because although I don't have life, I haven't, previous to the period, had life, so I haven't lost anything.
将生命整体地shift至以前的任何阶段试一试,是否就更好呢?不是,其实我们需要的或渴望的其实是长生。This is a very deep fact about human caring. We are oriented towards the future and concerned about what happens in it, in a way that we're not oriented and concerned about what happened in the past.这是个事实,但也不完全正确。好奇心,我认为,占有很大的比重。越来越能感受到这里的讨论是纯西方的。假如作为中国传统的,我是说世俗的,更多考虑的是家族、儿孙兴旺、面子等类似概念,会很大不同。
is it true that immortality's a good thing? 假如死亡剥夺了“好”的生活,当然bad,但剥夺或停止的是“悲惨的”或重复无趣的生活,实际上死亡会是“好的”。things that are good for you in limited quantities can become bad for you if you get more and more and more and more of them. Is it true that life would get better and better and better, the longer it is?
以Jonathan Swift 的Gulliver's Travels《格利佛游记》说明,长生是个痛苦:  He imagines Gulliver coming to a country where a subset of the people live forever, immortals. And at first, Gulliver says, "Oh, isn't this wonderful?" But he forgot to think about the fact that if the kinds of changes that we undergo continue to accumulate, then you're getting older. Not just older, but weaker, in more and more discomfort, senility sets in with a vengeance, until eventually you've got these creatures that live forever, but their mind is gone, and they're sort of in pain and they can't do anything because their body's utterly infirm and diseased and sick. That's not a wonderful thing to have. If immortality was like that, says Swift, that would be horrible. For an immortality like that, death would be a blessing. And Montaigne, in the essay that I've had you look at, says indeed, death is a blessing, because it puts an end to the pain and suffering and misery that afflict us in our old age.
对于永恒或不朽,事实上每个老年人都可以给出哲学家一样的智慧答案,他们多数人心甘情愿地不期望永生,到时候你就知道了。这也是为什么你从老人的脸上能够看到夕阳的宁静的原因。这也是为什么我现在感到可以接受死亡的原因之一,因为我也老了,经受了太多的痛苦,当然也有欢乐;已经够了,再多也无所谓了。所以,年轻确实是件好事,好好享受生活。Bernard Williams says: No kind of life would be one that would be desirable and attractive forever. No kind of life at all. In short, says Williams, every life would eventually become tedious and worse, excruciatingly painful. Every kind of life is a life you would eventually want to be rid of. Immortality, far from being a wonderful thing, would be a horrible thing.


