耶鲁大学哲学公开课《死亡》13 人格同一性(四)本质因素何在?

The personality人格 theory is revised to state that the key to personal identity is having the same personality provided that there is no branching人格不可分原则, that is, provided there is no transfer or duplication of the same personality from one body to another. Similar "no branching" requirements are added to the other theories as well. At the end of class, Professor Kagan suggests a shift from thinking about the survival of the soul in terms of "what does it take to survive?" to "what is it that matters in survival?"
假如活着的不具有我的人格,那我活着还有什么意思,或者,那还是我吗?所以,“what matters ?”被提了出来,什么东西的存续是至观重要的?


