耶鲁大学哲学公开课《死亡》17 死亡之害(二)剥夺性解释

一上来先用 "the opportunity costs"机会成本 来说明 It's not that it's intrinsically bad; it's bad because while you're doing this, you're not getting something better.
So nonexistence does point to the key aspect about death. Why is death bad? Because when I'm dead I don't exist.
Death is bad because it deprives me of the good things in life. 为 the deprivation account。
there's a philosophical puzzle about dating the badness of death.   if something is true, there's got to be a time when it's true。我如何感知我的“死”在我死后?
Epicurus said :"So death, the most terrifying of ills, is nothing to us, since so long as we exist, death is not with us; but when death comes, then we do not exist. It does not then concern either the living or the dead, since for the former it is not, and the latter are no more."
有意思的是,大仙在课堂上叫出2个志愿者,一男一女,然后对他们说:没事,不疼,就是下课后你们俩做个爱,然后生个孩子而已。哄堂大笑。这真是美国文化。中国人可不敢开这样的玩笑。还说,假如我父母早5分钟做爱,那么出生的就不太可能是我,而是别人。他说,假设这2个志愿者会有一个孩子叫larry,但当然结果没有,可是我们会为这个不存在的larry抱歉吗?当然 NO。相对于死之“不好”,但“未出生”是“更坏的”。大仙并非陷入庸俗的生命美好论,而是再一次进入灵魂有无的讨论,这是哲学课堂,重点在思辩,而不在好与坏灌输世界观。但确实在逐渐的学习过程中,不仅感到哲学的魅力,同时也感到一种豁达的愉快。


