耶鲁大学哲学公开课《死亡》11 人格同一性(二)肉体理论及人格

论述 personal identity,但不再以“时空”为背景,而是以“独一性”而论。越来越喜欢这个课堂了。
我十年前的那个问题,看来被无数的人问过,这里课堂上老师说到了移植!说到了移植多少器官或组织才影响到一个“人”之为“人”,或不能成为另外一个人。假如一切都换了,最后,甚至换了脑子——那正是我问过的问题。大仙说:假如张三脑子是好的,李四脑子换了,李四接受了张三的脑子,那么最后醒来的人是谁呢?是张三,而不是李四!这就是一种身份认定。因为我们确认一个人的时候是以其人格 prsonality 来确定的,而不是以胳膊腿来确定的,所以严格地说,是张三接受了李四的身体,而非相反。所以,也就是说,承载了我们记忆、信仰、愿望等等的脑子,才是真正带有我们之所以为一个独特的“人”的标识。
截止目前的成果:So, just to keep score, right now we've got three basic theories of personal identity on the table. The soul theory, the key to personal identity is the same soul. The body theory, the key to personal identity is the same body. Where the best version, I think, is the brain version of the body theory. And the personality theory, the key to personal identity is having the very same personality. 同一灵魂、同一身体、同一人格,就是同一人。大仙最倾向于最后这个“人格同一”是关键。
All right, so what have we got? Three views--soul view, body view, personality view. Three rival theories about the key to personal identity. Now, which of these is right? Well, I don't myself believe in souls, it's hardly going to surprise you to learn that I don't think the soul theory of personal identity is right. For me, the choice boils down to the choice between the body theory of personal identity and the personality theory of personal identity


